Over 60 Sensory Processing Disorder Books For Kids

Parents ask me often where they can purchase children's books about Sensory Processing Disorder for their children and which books they should buy. I found over sixty sensory processing disorder books for children. 

When I first learned about Sensory Processing Disorder thirteen years ago, there were only a few books for children about sensory processing disorder. It is so incredible to see so many new authors and sensory books for children who are struggling with with sensory differences. 

I created this amazing list full of sensory processing disorder books for you to read to your children. I know how exhausting it is to be a sensory parent so I wanted it to be one less thing you have to think about or needed  to do on your to-do list. 
mother reading a sensory book t=with her child Over 60 Sensory Processing Disorder Books For Kids

Reading to your children about sensory processing disorder is one of the great ways to explain to to your children why they feel the ways they do and are experiencing the things they are. 

Sensory processing disorder books for children will help them feel less alone.  They will see that other children also have sensory differences too. Reading books to children with sensory processing disorder can be a a really good way to teach them about their sensory differences and help them understand their symptoms and find new ways to cope. It is a great time to connect with your child too. 

Children who are struggling with sensory processing disorder may not know that they have a sensory differences or why they feel overwhelmed in different environments. I remember growing up and not understanding why I was feeling different than my siblings or my friends. I thought I was the only person like this. I think having books to read to children now to explain this is so beneficial. It will definitely boost their self esteem to know and understand themselves better. 

Reading books to our children give them an understanding about sensory processing disorder and can help them understand themselves better. There is absolutely nothing better than finding out why you do the things you do and feel the ways you do. In that moment it all starts to make total sense to you. Having an understanding about yourself feels really good. When you are not sure about sensory processing disorder it can be a confusing time because you don't understand yourself. 

Reading books about SPD to our children can also help them see that they are not alone and that there are other children who are experiencing the same sensory experiences as they are, reading books to our children who have sensory processing disorder is a great way to teach them about their sensory differences and provide them with some extra tools.  

Sensory books can help a child understand that they are not alone. If you have a child with Sensory processing disorder, consider reading book and including books in their routines. 

If you have sensory processing disorder books for children or parents that you are no longer using, please consider donating them to your local library because not everyone has access to purchasing books and they can be a great way to spread awareness and have acceptance and inclusion in our communities.  Here are some ideas! 

Sensory Processing Disorder Books For Kids

"Hawkins The Hedgehog Needs Head Squeezes" is a book designed to help teach the head squeezing sensory strategy as well as equip support teams with how to foster language growth related to sensory needs. This character Hawkins is like many children that I have worked with that struggle having their sensory needs met. Some children that bang their head or constantly push their head into objects or people for input, often benefit from this strategy. That being said, this strategy can be extremely calming and relaxing for many children when used with the tips and suggestions provided in this books. Hoping you can learn a new sensory strategy from Hawkins and his wonderful mom and help better meet the sensory needs of your loved one.


Sensory Ninja Paperback
Life is hard! And it’s even harder for children who are just trying to figure things out.
Sensory Ninja learns all about SPD that gives you extra sensory powers! 
Find out all about the Sensory Diet. 
The new children’s book series, Ninja Life Hacks, was developed to help children learn valuable life skills. Fun, pint-size characters in comedic books easy enough for young readers, yet witty enough for adults.
The Ninja Life Hacks book series is:
Geared to kids 3-11
Perfect for boys & girls
Early readers
Grades K - 6th grade and up
Excellent resource for counselors, parents, and teachers alike

Arnie and his School Tools:
Simple Sensory Solutions That Build Success This illustrated children's book centers around an exuberant little boy who had difficulty paying attention in class and doing his schoolwork until he was equipped with tools that helped accommodate his sensory needs. Written from Arnie's point of view, the book uses simple language to describe some of the sensory tools and strategies he uses at school and at home to help him achieve a more optimal level of alertness and performance. Additional resources are provided at the end of the book, including definitions of sensory processing and sensory modulation disorder, suggested discussion questions, and lists of related books.

Finding strategies to meet the sensory needs of children and adults can be challenging. Abby the Alligator Needs Hand Squeezes is designed to help give you an immediate strategy and tips to help make a difference. This book is the first in the book series called "Living In The Land Of Sensory", which explores various sensory needs, and provides strategies and techniques to help meet them. In this story, Abby the alligator has very "busy hands'' and she gets help from her parents and friends who use a special sensory strategy to help her hands feel calm. If you know of a busy "alligator" in your life, they may benefit from this strategy as well!

My Socks Do you know a kid who HATES to wear socks?Then you’ll LOVE this book! Parents and kids with sensory challenges will enjoy reading this fun book together. You’ll recognize the struggle and appreciate the surprisingly simple solution.
Julie Igel lives in San Diego, California, with her husband Helmut, and their two kitties. She is a Certified Classical Homeopath and has a private practice with clients all over the world. She created this book in honor of her three daughters, one of whom especially had sensitivities to all textiles, especially her socks! She hopes to support and encourage parents with similar children, share some laughter, and bring a smile to the challenge of parenting in this day and age.

Faith the Fox Needs Fireworks is designed to help give you an immediate strategy and tips to make a difference. This book is the the fourth in the book series Living In The Land of Sensory, which explores various sensory needs, and provides strategies and techniques to meet them. In this story, Faith has extremely busy hands and needs to touch everything to get the sensory input her body requires. Faith's sensory needs can feel overwhelming, and her friend, Freda, knows what to do to help! Freda uses the "fireworks" sensory strategy to provide calming input to Faith's hands which is exactly what she needs. Try this strategy with person in your life that has a hard time keeping their body calm.

The Chair Kicked Me and I Kicked it Back: Understanding Sensory Processing Disorder for Kids (Living with Sensory Process Disorder)
The Chair Kicked Me is a book that will help parents explain to their children that Sensory Processing Disorder is real and what they are feeling is alright. Kate and Beary will show children how to accept and deal with life and SPD The chair Kicked Me is a great place to start the discussion with children and family members when SPD is new or behaviors are unknown to your family.

My Great Big Feelings: A Story for Sensitive Children
For highly sensitive children and those with sensory processing difficulties. Sweet illustrations and lovely rhymes grace the pages of this special book. Overstimulation and deep empathy are among the many powerful experiences which often accompany being a highly sensitive person. Accepting and embracing heightened sensitivity is one of the most important things we can help our children (and ourselves) learn to do. As we follow along the story of this highly sensitive child, we discover how we can accept, manage and ultimately appreciate possessing this gift of sensitivity. 

Picky, Picky Pete My oh My - why are you so picky? Because this shirt is really itchy!
Pete finds his clothes uncomfortable and can't stand "paint, soap, and things with lumps." He explains this to his mother and the reader in this fun children's book, as he and mom navigate a difficult, but typical, morning in the life of a young boy with sensory issues. Written by an occupational therapist, this picture book is a must-have for any child with sensory processing disorder.
Michele Griffin is a pediatric occupational therapist. While working as a therapist, she was intrigued by the children who were 'extra-sensitive'. 

Jack the Brave Conquers the Snow
Jack has sensory processing disorder and experiences life differently. Jack visits his Grandparents’ cabin and learns to like the snow. He gets encouragement from different family members and learns to be brave, in order to join in and make a snowman with his family. Come join Jack on his journey, and learn to be brave along with him!

I'm Not Weird, I Have Sensory Processing Disorder
This book was inspired by the author's daughter, Jaimie, who struggles with Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) every day. It was written to validate Jaimie's feelings and to show her other children feel things the way she does. This book can help children with SPD learn how to explain their disorder to others; help peers understand what children with SPD go through; and also help therapists, teachers and/or counselors learn how to talk about it. Helping others learn about children with special needs brings understanding to them and help to make them seem less... different.

King's Day Out - The Car Wash: The Car Wash
Ride along with King, a Bernese Mountain Dog puppy, and his best friend, a boy named Ben, as they go on an adventure to the car wash. The two friends' senses are tested to the limits as King and Ben experience the sights, sounds, smells and feelings associated with this new activity. Ben, a child with sensory differences, shares the tools he's learned in occupational therapy (OT) to help King overcome his fear and anxiety. In the end, King and Ben are proud of themselves for conquering the car wash and excited to head to the park for some playtime!

Sensory Seeking Sloth: A Sensory Processing Disorder Book for Kids and Adults of All Ages About a Sensory Diet For Ultimate Brain and Body Health
The solution-based book that helps children understand Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) and presents a sensory diet that offers tools and resources a child can use.
Do you notice in your child:
Signs of over-responsivity, including sensitivity to textures such as those found in fabrics, foods, grooming products, to which most people would not react, and sickness caused by sounds, lights, temperature, movements, smells, tastes, or even inner sensations.
Signs of under-responsivity, including sluggishness and lack of responsiveness.

The Goose with Noodles for Wings
Meet Goodwin, a determined little goose who struggles with sensory processing disorder and hypotonia (low muscle tone). All Goodwin wants to do is fly alongside his friends but first he must overcome some obstacles in his way! Goodwin's story is illustrated by Troy Goins. Troy is an artist for Passion Works Studio, a collaborative community arts center, whose mission is to inspire and liberate the human spirit through the arts by collaborating between people with and without developmental differences.

Listening to My Body: A guide to helping kids understand the connection between their sensations (what the heck are those?) and feelings so that they can get better at figuring out what they need.
This engaging and interactive book guides children through the practice of naming their feelings and the sensations that accompany them. Engages children in easy, kid-friendly mindfulness activities.

Helps kids build on their capacity to be mindful, self-regulate, and develop emotional resilience.

Ozo the Octopus is always on the go, and his arms are usually touching everything in his reach?  Do you know anyone like this in your life?  If so, you can probably relate to Ozo and his teachers.  You will learn the easy-to-use therapeutic strategy of arm squeezes which helps Ozo's body feel calm and gives him input that his body needs.

Nicolette Goes to Dance Class: A Sensory Processing Disorder Story
This is a story about a little girl living with a sensory processing disorder who learns to navigate through the too loud, too bright, too fast world using her special sensory tool kit. Nicolette, age 4, loves to dance! She is excited because she is going to her very first dance class, but her tummy also feels funny. What if the other children are mean to her? What if the teacher yells? Will she feel too scared to dance? With a little help from her special sensory tool kit, Nicolette discovers that she is braver than she thought. She even makes a new friend! Dance class is fun!

Melvin Goes to the Dentist 
Melvin Goes To The Dentist is a story for children with special needs and anxieties. It clearly outlines the main events when going to the dentist for the first time to take some of the anxiety and uncertainty out of this new experience. This story has customizable sections to help insert a variety of special needs circumstances to help kids feel connected to the story. Parental guides are filtered throughout the story to give ideas and inspiration to finding solutions to common problems associated with the fear of a new experience.

Squirrel Senses
Squirrel Senses is a children's story about texture issues, for the parents of picky eaters and/or kids with a sensory processing disorder. These issues with food and clothing textures are depicted by a pesky little squirrel annoying the main character, Danny, who eventually learns to get along with it. The moral of the story is simple - some children will grow out of this "squirrel," but others will have it forever, and either way they will be just fine!

Pickysaurus Mac is not your typical dinosaur. Mealtimes pose a special problem for our picky little friend. Sometimes foods smell too gross to eat, they taste different than they look and their textures feel like garbage in his mouth. His friends tell him to eat right to stay healthy, but some things you just can't fix with words. Will Pickysaurus Mac ever find something he likes? When he finds he likes it, will it be the best food for him? Will he find it in time?
One symptom of SPD is the adverse affect food (taste, smell, texture) has on our senses.  Often children who have SPD are labeled as "picky eaters," 


Christy The Cricket Needs To Crawl is designed to help give you an immediate sensory strategy and tips to make a difference. Through the use of rhyme, Christy shares her story about how hard sensory challenges can be. This book is the the fifth in the book series ‘Living In The Land of Sensory’, which explores various sensory needs, and provides strategies and techniques to meet them. Christy's sensory needs make her bump into things, and cause her to feel like she can't stop moving and has to go, go, go. Christy has learned that crawling makes a big difference to help her body feel calm, centered, and relaxed. Get your copy to learn the three crawling strategies outlined in this book.

Love for Logan is an inspirational story based on actual events. A young girl learns to better understand why day to day life can be challenging for her older sister. While sharing a special night, the story embraces how one girl's love for her sister empowers her to overcome one of life's obstacles.

This beautifully illustrated, kid friendly picture book, told through the eyes of a sibling, will help children understand others' sensory difficulties, and explain sensory processing disorder. 

Sensory Seeking Sebastian

Sensory Seeking Sebastian is a book that empowers sensory seekers with strategies that help with self regulation. Author, Christia DeShields and her husband Kenneth have a son that struggles with ADHD and Proprioceptive Sensory Disorder. They learned these strategies through Occupational Therapy with their sensory seeker. Since learning these strategies, their son takes the initiative to regulate himself. This book is perfect for families who want to equip their sensory seeker to navigate the challenges of ADHD, Autism, and SPD.

Emily's Sister: A Family's Journey With Dyspraxia and Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD)
Emily’s sister is different from other children she knows. She seems to struggle with things most of us just do naturally.
In this delightfully illustrated story, based upon real family experiences, Emily discovers how to understand and help her sister live a happier life.
This story, written by the parent of a child with Dyspraxia and Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD), paves the way for parents, teachers and medical professionals to discuss these specific learning difficulties with children (aged around 7-9).

Harley's Sensory Processing Disorder: SPD Book for Kids, ADHD, Autism, ADD
The BEST sensory processing disorder books for kids: Teaches children what to do when they are experiencing sensory issues.
Perfect book for autism, ADHD, ADD, executive function skills for kids, resource for executive function skills workbook for children, kids in elementary school, preschool, kindergarten, teachers, educators, counselors, therapists, and parents.

It's Just a ... What?: Little Sensory Problems with Big Reactions!
Sensory issues are a difficult challenge for many children and their caregivers. In this picture book, Hartley Steiner shows the experience of Sensory Processing Disorders (SPD) from the point of view of the child, bringing awareness to how they feel in the moment through humor and giving adults the rare opportunity to view the situation from the child’s perspective. Children will be introduced to ways they can begin to ask for and accept help, and adults will learn how to scale reactions during situations of upset. This book covers a large range of situations addressed and resolved. In each scenario the child is having a big reaction, and the adult is able to solve the issue through simple answers, compassion, and humor.

A Little Space for Me
With clever, inventive art and universally relatable themes, A Little Space for Me by Jennifer Gray Olson is a heartwarming picture book about the importance of mindfulness, understanding, and finding a moment of peace within a big, busy world.

Sometimes, when it's too loud, too crowded, too messy, too smelly, or for no reason at all, you might just need a little bit of space to feel like yourself again.

An Itchy, Ouchy Morning: Tommy's Impossible Socks
Little Tommy has a hard time getting ready for school because his socks are so annoying!
Mom, dad and ‘Shoe’, their dog, are trying to help him, suggesting all kinds of funny ideas, including going to see Doctor McSocky, who lives in Socksville, or inventing a one-of-a-kind perfect sock. Eventually, Tommy finds motivation and gains the sense of control needed to overcome this challenge with the help of his parents’ patience and acceptance.

Adventures of The Sensokids: Oh Messy Me
The Adventures of the Sensokids is a FUN and INTERACTIVE book about our SENSORY POWERS. The Adventures of the Sensokids is designed to encourage children to explore the power of their senses. Each book features a special sensory education section, designed to help parents and educators understand sensory challenges in a fun and exciting way!
Oh Messy Me, Book 1 in The Adventures of the Sensokids Series is a story about Nora. Nora has trouble feeling sensations on her hands and face, she also has trouble putting her sweater on the right way. Nora needs to explore her sense of TOUCH, and with the help of the Sensokids she is able to do just that!

This Beach Is Loud! (Little Senses)
Patience, understanding, and a soothing exercise saves the beach day when excitement turns to sensory overload for this child on the Autism Spectrum.  A perfect book for any child with sensory sensitivities.
Going to the beach is exciting. But it can also be busy. And loud. Sand can feel hot or itchy or sticky...and it gets everywhere! In This Beach Is Loud!, a sensitive boy gets overwhelmed by all the sights, sounds, and sensations at the beach. Luckily, this kiddo's dad has a trick up his sleeve to help his son face these unexpected obstacles.
Combining accessible storytelling and playful design, This Beach Is Loud! 

I am More: A spirited child
A children's book inspired by a spirited child... created to help your spirited child know how amazing he/she truly is.I am More, was originally written many years ago when my son was younger and struggling at just being a kid. I wished there was a book such as this for him to read, so that he knew his intense emotions and sensory issues were shared by others. Our personal journey helped bring this strong-willed character to life in hopes of helping the next children know that they, too, have amazing qualities, many times bigger than others...funny, creative, smart, energetic and awesome ... and they are not alone.

Sensitive Dragons
This thoughtful book was designed with emotionally sensitive and sensory sensitive children in mind. Sensitivity (like dragons) is often misunderstood. Although being highly sensitive can sometimes seem like a bother, it also truly is a special gift in many ways. This playfully illustrated book helps children to see the bright side of sensitivity. Helping children embrace their sensitivity means helping them to embrace themselves - which is one of the most important things we can help them learn to do. This book aims to help with just that.

It's Not Easy Being a Superhero: Understanding Sensory Processing Disorder
Unlike most superheroes, Clark's superpowers aren't a secret. And instead of just one, Clark has five superpowers he must learn to control: super hearing, super sight, super smell, super taste, and super feeling. He uses his five superpowers to defeat sensory triggers, and his arch nemesis Igor Ance. This beautifully illustrated picture book helps parents, teachers, students, and friends understand what it's like for these superheroes who have sensory processing disorder and the tricks they learn to control their powers.

Too Sticky!: Sensory Issues with Autism
Holly loves doing experiments and learning new things in science class! But when she finds out the next experiment is making slime, she's worried. Slime is made with glue, and glue is sticky. Holly has sensory issues because of her autism and doesn't like anything sticky! With help from family and her teacher, Holly receives the accommodations and encouragement she needs to give slime a try.

The Boy with Big, Big Feelings (The Big, Big) 
Meet a boy with feelings so big that they glow from his cheeks, spill out of his eyes, and jump up and down on his chest. When a loud truck drives by, he cries. When he hears a joke, he bursts with joy. When his loved ones are having a hard day, he feels their emotions as if they were his own. The boy tries to cope by stuffing down his feelings, but with a little help and artistic inspiration, the boy realizes his feelings are something to be celebrated. Written by debut picture book author Britney Winn Lee and boldly illustrated by Jacob Souva, The Boy with Big, Big Feelings is relatable for any child, but especially for children experiencing anxiety and extreme emotions, or who have been diagnosed with autism or as a Highly Sensitive Person.

Monkey Bandit Eats with a Spoon (Monkey Bandit Funny Children's Books for Babies and Toddlers
Do you have a toddler who will not eat by him or herself - or has trouble eating alone because of a sensory difficulty disorder? Then you will like the story of Monkey Bandit who learns to eat with a spoon!

Monkey Bandit does not know how to eat by himself, with a spoon. Yet. But he does like yummy soup. He tries to eat some with one finger, but that does not work. Next, he tries grabbing a handful of soup... that does not work. When he tries slurping the soup from the bowl, he burns himself and gets the soup all over the floor. Eating by yourself is not easy, is it... 

Nope. Never. Not For Me! (Little Senses)
This gentle story guides kids on the Autism Spectrum and/or with sensory sensitivities (such as SPD) through trying a new food, with support and encouragement aplenty.

Children are often picky eaters, but for kids on the autism spectrum or with sensory issues, trying new foods can be especially challenging. In Nope! Never! Not for Me! a young child refuses to try a bite of broccoli--that is, until her mom guides her through a careful exploration of the new food. First she looks, then she sniffs, then touches, and finally takes one tiny bite. What do you know? Broccoli isn't so overwhelming after all!

Melvin and The Loose Tooth (Melvin's Adventures)
Melvin and the Loose Tooth is a story for children with special needs and anxieties. It clearly outlines the main events of having a loose tooth for the first time to take some of the anxiety and uncertainty out of this new experience. This story has customizable sections to help insert a variety of special needs circumstances to help kids feel connected to the story. Parental guides are filtered throughout the story to give ideas and inspiration to finding solutions to common problems associated with the fear of a new experience.

Nicolette Meets Ms. Mandy: A Sensory Processing Disorder story 
Nicolette, age 4, has been recently diagnosed with a sensory processing disorder and is going to her first occupational therapy appointment. She feels very afraid and so does her little stuffed bear. What will the therapist do to her? Is it like going to the doctor? Will she have to get a shot or take yucky medicine? Then she meets Ms. Mandy, OT, and she learns that therapy is lots of fun!

I Have SPD Let Me Tell You About Me
This book is intended to explain to children some of the struggles a child with Sensory Processing Disorder deals with on a daily basis. It also mentions the typical things he does drawing a comparison to their similarities. All children want to fit in. They want to be known, loved, and appreciated. They need a sense of belonging and to be understood. Children with extreme behaviors may not get that opportunity. Even though they are amazing, awesome, brave, and brilliant their behaviors are often the focus. I Have SPD, Let Me Tell You About Me is a book that declares we are more alike than we are different. It proclaims, I have Sensory Processing Disorder and like you, I fit in. 

Hypo The Sensory Hippo: Show-and-Tell
This fourth installment of Hypo explores show-and-tell. However rather than show an object, Hypo chooses to share himself with the class. He hopes in doing this it will give others a better understanding of his struggles. It is a warm and kind addition and a welcomed addition in the series of a young hippopotamus with Sensory Processing Disorder.

Amelie and Albie at Sensory Kingdom
This is a rhyming tale about a little girl with Autism, ADHD and Sensory Processing Disorder, that receives a once in a life time invitation to Sensory Kingdom with her friend Albie the Dragon.

Seeking inclusion in every way, with the help from her friend Albie the Dragon.

When You Get To Know Me “When you get to know me, what can you say? Do I process things in a different way?”. Get to know people around you by seeing things from their perspective. Things may not be quite as they first seem… Originally intended to encourage inclusion for children with autism and sensory processing disorders, “When you get to know me…” reminds us that we are all individuals. It sparks ideas of different points of view and how to include everyone, no matter how differently we perceive the world.
This picture book is ideal for ages 4 years and up and comes to life when read aloud. With rhyme and rhythm to please the ear of young learners, as well as playful characters and colourful images to engage the eye, it will soon be a favourite book. 

Picture Perfect - NOT is the second book in Mrs. Gin Noon Spaulding’s children’s book series, The Adventures of Li-Li, where each book focuses on a different sensory issue.
Gin Noon Spaulding’s first book, A Miracle at Bates Memorial, was an introduction to Li-Li and the different sensory issues she had. Book 2 focuses on sensory issues with the visual system. In Picture Perfect - NOT, Li-Li continues to try to communicate how much she hates having her picture taken and the displeasure she has with it. With the help of amazing teachers, Li-Li shows her mother that picture taking isn’t for everyone, and that’s okay.

Winston Wallaby Can’t Stop Bouncing: What to do about hyperactivity in children including those with ADHD, SPD and ASD 
Winston Wallaby, like most Wallabies, loves to bounce. However, Winston can't seem to ever sit still and when he starts school he needs help to concentrate... Luckily his teacher Mrs Calm shows Winston how to settle down and focus his mind in class, and he learns new ways to help him with touch, feel, attention and awareness. This fun, illustrated storybook will help children aged 5-10 with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) recognise their sensory needs and develop tools to support them. 

Sensational Sisters: A Story of Two Sisters with Sensory Processing Disorder
When children discover that they have a sensory processing disorder (SPD), they may have many questions and worries about the disorder. This kid-friendly book reassures children that their problems are common, yet they are still unique. There are many children with the same disorder that are dealing with similar issues. Children benefit from a sense of belonging and a reassurance that they are not the only one. This book was designed to be used with children between the ages of 5-10. By reading this book with their children, parents may begin a discussion that provides helpful information and reassurance to their child.

Calm Yoga Bear: A Social Emotional, Pose by Pose Yoga Book for Children, Teens, and Adults to Help Relieve Anxiety and Stress (Perfect for ADD, ADHD, and SPD)
Bring the family together for a calming exercise to promote a healthy body. Wash away anxiety and stress with Calm Yoga Bear as we build muscles, confidence, and calm breathing together.
Follow Calm Yoga Bear in a journey through the Calm Yoga Bear Flow, a pose-by-pose rhyming story book by Mary Nhin. Developed to help children incorporate a calming fitness and breathing routine into their day.
Makes a perfect gift or calming addition to your library!

Kate's Trust Plate: A story for children who find eating a varied diet difficult.
This is an enjoyable, therapeutic based book to help to guide parents and children in one of the first steps of working their way through sensory feeding issues - TRUST!
Many children are fussy eaters. Fussy eating can be due to many reasons and you should always seek medical assistance before altering your child's diet.
For children with sensory differences one of the first steps in trying new food is to trust food and trust the adults making their food.
This is a fun, child friendly book to help you build trust with your child.
Help them build trust in food and trust in you (their parent)

Ellie Bean the Drama Queen
Ellie Bean the Drama Queen is an insightful picture book that helps children with sensory issues, and the adults around them, understand what they are going through. Sometimes Ellie Bean seems like she is being difficult, when she realy has a sensory issue that can be overcome quite easily!

Sensitive Sam
Appropriate for children, families, and professionals, this wonderful book brings to life the story of Sam, whose over-sensitivity creates chaos and frustration in his life. Sam's various sensory sensitivities adversely affect Sam's experiences, both at home and in the classroom. He walks readers through his typical day of sensory blunders (which many kids and families may find all too familiar!). Finally, at the suggestion of Sam's teacher, his parents take Sam to see an occupational therapist. Sam describes the process in a non-threatening, child's perspective that is sure to sooth young readers who may be facing the same challenges.

All Feelings Are Okay: A Kid's Book About Different Moods and Emotions; Helps Kids Identify and Accept Feelings; Autism; ADHD, ADD, SPD (Social ... Toolbox - Therapists, Educators, and Parents) 
Social emotional learning -Recognizing emotions is important for many reasons. First, it helps young children to explore and understand their feelings and thoughts, so they can be proactive in responding to them instead fo reactive. Later in life, children with these skills are better able to face hurdles, investigate personal issues, and develop solutions for real-world problems.
When children can express what they are feeling, it helps parents better understand their children's emotions and what they are going through. 

When My Worries Get Too Big!
Worry and anxiety are on an upswing. In fact, anxiety is the most frequent of all mental disorders in children. High levels of stress and big emotions related to social situations, sensory issues, or general frustration are common in children who live with anxiety. Such stress can lead to a loss of control, resulting in aggressive behavior, such as screaming, throwing things or even hurting someone. Prolonged anxiety can also seriously impact success in academic achievement and cause children to avoid social and extracurricular activities. Now with a special section on evidence-based teaching activities for parents and teachers alike, this bestselling children s classic just became even better and more relevant. 

Why Does Izzy Cover Her Ears? Dealing with Sensory Overload 
Meet Izzy, a feisty first grader, whose behavior is often misunderstood as she tries to cope with sensory overload in her new surroundings. This brightly illustrated book creates an environment that is accepting of students with sensory modulation difficulties, including many on the autism spectrum. It's a great resource for occupational therapists, teachers, and parents to share with children. Resources for adults at the end of the book include definitions of sensory processing and sensory modulation disorder, suggested discussion questions, and lists of related books and websites.

Here are some more helpful Sensory Processing Disorder Resources

DISCLAIMER: I am not an Occupational Therapist. I am an adult who has Sensory Processing Disorder, a sensory parent and a Grandma. The information on this website is not medical advice and does not replace the information that your child's therapists give you. These are just ideas and information that I have learned myself over the years of being a parent and an adult living with SPD. If you are concerned for your child, please always seek medical attention through a family doctor, pediatrician or therapist. This website is for suggestions and informational purposes only. Each child is different and what works for one child may not for another because all children have different needs. Please always consult with a professional.

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