Special Parents - Jeanette Loftus Subscribers 

I have been thinking about creating a more private space for not only parents but for myself too. I have been supporting parents through my support groups for almost eleven years. I have quite severe anxiety and as much as I am so proud of what I have been able to accomplish here over the years, it makes me quite anxious too sometimes. I know that social media can be a difficult place when you are feeling vulnerable.
sensory child sensory parent Special Parents - Jeanette Loftus Subscribers

I don't expect anyone to pay me for support. I offer that for free on our page and always will because I know how much it is needed in our community.

Facebook came out with supporters for pages a few years and I haven't even considered it until recently. The more I have been thinking about it, the more I started to believe how magical it could be to have a place where I am more open with parents who follow my pages and groups. I think it would be a wonderful place for parents to also have a private place to open up, learn more, ask questions, seek support and friendship in a smaller setting.

We all need a space for support and friendship. I do too! 

I will be adding many different features for subscribers such as a closed private group, giveaways, discounts for different sensory businesses, guest therapists going live weekly to talk about several helpful topics and many other surprise guests too. I will also offer content that will only be shared in our supporters group.

I understand that not everyone can pay for supporters and that is completely okay but I hope that everyone can understand why I need a place too. I will never stop posting on this sensory page or in my groups. I will always offer the same here as I have for the last eleven years. Nothing will change. This is just something additional should you choose to support me with Facebook's paid subscription.

I will still always be here to support you. You do not have to join supporters to receive support.

This will be an extra special place for parents who have children with all additional needs.

 Everyone is welcome. 

Thank you to all who subscribe. I appreciate you so much and I am very grateful! I will work hard to make this a beautiful thing for us!

Here are some more helpful Sensory Processing Disorder Resources

DISCLAIMER: I am not an Occupational Therapist. I am an adult who has Sensory Processing Disorder, a sensory parent and a Grandma. The information on this website is not medical advice and does not replace the information that your child's therapists gives you. These are just ideas and information that I have learned myself over the years of being a parent and an adult living with SPD. If you are concerned for your child, please always seek medical attention through a family doctor, pediatrician or therapist. This website is for suggestions and informational purposes only. Each child is different and what works for one child may not for another because all children have different needs. Please always consult with a professional.

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